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Category Archives: Cooling

Embarking on a home remodel is an exciting journey that promises to breathe new life into your living space. 无论你是在改造厨房,增加一个新房间, finishing your basement, or giving your entire home a facelift, it’s crucial to consider the impact on your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. At Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling, serving the Kansas City area, we understand the significance of a well-integrated HVAC system that delivers year-round comfort and energy efficiency. In this article, we’ll explore some essential heating and cooling considerations and ideas for incorporating HVAC upgrades into your home remodel project.

Assess Your Current HVAC System

Before diving into the remodeling process, it’s vital to evaluate the condition and capacity of your existing HVAC system. Consider its age, efficiency, and whether it meets the heating and cooling demands of your renovated space. Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling offers professional HVAC assessments to help you determine if an upgrade or modification is needed.

Plan for Zoning

Home remodels often involve reconfiguring spaces, and this can impact the temperature control needs of different areas. Implementing a zoning system allows you to independently regulate the temperature in various zones of your home, optimizing comfort and energy efficiency. Our experts can design a zoning plan tailored to your remodel project, 确保每个翻新空间的精确气候控制.

Energy-Efficient Upgrades

Incorporating energy-efficient HVAC components not only reduces your carbon footprint but also lowers long-term operational costs. 考虑升级到高效炉、电子游戏娱乐网站和智能恒温器. Lancaster Brothers specializes in providing eco-friendly HVAC solutions that align with your home’s aesthetic and energy-saving goals.

Ductwork Optimization

As you remodel, take the opportunity to inspect and optimize your home’s ductwork. Leaks, poor insulation, and inefficient layout can lead to energy loss and uneven heating or cooling. Our team can assess your ductwork and recommend improvements to enhance airflow and system performance.

Proper Sizing

Matching the size of your HVAC system to your home’s new square footage is crucial for maintaining comfort and energy efficiency. An oversized or undersized system can lead to issues such as short cycling, uneven temperatures, and increased energy consumption. The HVAC experts at Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling can assist with accurate load calculations to ensure your system is appropriately sized for your remodeled space.

Integration of Smart Technology

Modernize your HVAC system with smart technology that provides remote control, energy monitoring, and personalized scheduling. Smart thermostats, for example, can adapt to your lifestyle, optimizing energy usage and enhancing comfort. 电子游戏娱乐网页提供一系列智能暖通电子游戏娱乐网站解决方案,以补充您的家庭改造.

HVAC Planning in Commercial Remodels

Commercial remodels present a unique set of challenges, and Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling is well-equipped to address the specific HVAC needs of commercial spaces in addition to residential projects. Whether you’re renovating an office, retail space, or any commercial establishment in the Kansas City area, our team understands the importance of creating a comfortable environment that enhances productivity and customer satisfaction. We specialize in providing comprehensive HVAC solutions for commercial remodels, including efficient rooftop units, ductwork modifications, and advanced control systems. Our experienced technicians work closely with businesses to assess the heating and cooling requirements, 确保暖通电子游戏娱乐网站系统与改造空间的布局和用途无缝匹配. Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling is your trusted partner for both residential and commercial remodels, offering expertise and reliability to meet the diverse HVAC needs of our clients in the Kansas City business community.

Planning a Remodel? Contact Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling

A successful home remodel goes beyond aesthetics; it includes creating a comfortable and energy-efficient living environment. At Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling, we’re committed to helping homeowners in the Kansas City area achieve this balance. By considering these HVAC factors during your remodel, you can ensure that your home remains a haven of comfort for years to come. If you live in or around the Kansas City area, contact us today to discuss your HVAC needs and embark on a remodel that seamlessly integrates heating and cooling solutions tailored to your lifestyle. Give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or visit our website to get in touch.

December 11th, 2023

Posted In: Cooling, Heating, New Construction

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As the scorching heat of summer takes center stage, 你的电子游戏娱乐网站系统成为你最终的救星, providing a cool and comfortable environment indoors. At Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of a well-maintained AC unit, especially during extended run times. In this blog post, we’ll share essential tips to keep your AC performing at its peak efficiency throughout the summer season. By following these maintenance guidelines, you can ensure your comfort, save energy, and extend the lifespan of your cooling system. 

Regular Cleaning – The First Line of Defense 

One of the most critical steps in keeping your AC running optimally is to maintain a clean and debris-free system. Dust, dirt, 碎片会积聚在冷凝器盘管上,阻碍热交换过程, reducing the AC’s efficiency. 为了解决这个问题,我们推荐以下清洁技巧: 

Clear the Area Around the Outdoor Unit: Ensure there are no bushes, shrubs, or other obstructions within a two-foot radius of the outdoor condenser unit. This allows proper airflow and prevents debris from clogging the unit. 

Clean or Replace Filters Regularly: Dirty filters restrict airflow, forcing your AC to work harder. 根据使用情况和过滤器类型,每30至90天清洗或更换一次过滤器. 这个简单的步骤可以显著提高电子游戏娱乐网站的效率. 

Schedule Professional Maintenance: Consider an annual maintenance service from Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling. 我们熟练的技术人员每年将对您的电子游戏娱乐网站进行两次彻底清洁和检查, ensuring optimal performance. 

Frequent Filter Checks and Replacements 

Filters play a crucial role in trapping dust, allergens, and pollutants, providing you with cleaner and healthier indoor air. However, 在炎热的夏季,当你的电子游戏娱乐网站不知疲倦地工作时, filters tend to get clogged quickly. To maintain excellent indoor air quality and the efficiency of your AC system:

定期目视检查:定期检查过滤器是否有灰尘积聚. If you notice a significant buildup, it’s time to clean or replace them. 

Consider Upgrading to High-Efficiency Filters: Investing in high-quality filters with a higher MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value) rating can improve your indoor air quality while preserving the lifespan of your AC unit. 

设置过滤器更换提醒:因为很容易忘记过滤器的维护, 设置提醒,确保你不会错过更换日期. You can get your filters at Lancaster Brothers too! We offer a wide variety of sizes 我们的供暖和制冷专家可以帮助您为您的家庭选择正确的过滤器. 

Benefits of Regular Maintenance 

选择定期保养电子游戏娱乐网站有很多好处, both in terms of comfort and cost savings: 

Enhanced Efficiency: A well-maintained AC unit consumes less energy, 在夏季用电高峰的几个月里,水电费会更低. 

Prolonged Lifespan: Regular maintenance reduces wear and tear on the system, helping it last longer and saving you from premature replacements. 

改善空气质量:清洁的过滤器和维护良好的系统确保更健康的室内空气, benefiting everyone, 尤其是那些有过敏或呼吸系统疾病的人. Read more about reducing allergens in this blog “How to Reduce Allergens in Your Home”

Hassle Free! Join our Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling Maintenance club and you won’t have to worry about maintenance of your heating and cooling systems. 了解更多电子游戏娱乐网页的省钱维修计划,请致电我们或访问我们的 website

Taking care of your AC system during the summer months is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency. By following the cleaning tips and regularly checking and replacing filters, 你可以让电子游戏娱乐网站整个赛季都保持在最佳状态.

Remember, a well-maintained AC unit not only keeps you comfortable but also saves you money in the long run. 

如果你的家或办公室位于堪萨斯城都会区, you can count on Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling for expert HVAC services and comprehensive maintenance plans. 20多年来,我们一直服务于堪萨斯城地区的供暖和制冷需求! 

Call us at (913) 851-3399 or visit our website at  to learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment with our team of professionals today. Stay cool and beat the summer heat with Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling!

August 14th, 2023

Posted In: Air Conditioning, Cooling, Maintenance

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As the winter season comes to a close, it’s important to think about what this means for your HVAC system. After a long and harsh winter, your heating and air conditioning system may need some TLC to ensure that it is ready to tackle the warmer temperatures that the spring and summer months will bring. Here are a few things to keep in mind as winter winds down and springtime temperatures affect your home’s heating and cooling system.

1.     Schedule Your HVAC Inspection! 

One of the most important things you can do for your HVAC system as winter winds down is to schedule an inspection with a professional HVAC technician, such as Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling. An inspection will help identify any issues that need to be addressed, such as checking refrigerant levels, cleaning and tightening parts, and ensuring the unit is running smoothly. At Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling,我们建议对您的暖通电子游戏娱乐网站系统进行一年两次的检查. 

As you are preparing to use your air conditioning, 请记住,您可以通过每年两次的维护来最大限度地延长电子游戏娱乐网站的使用寿命, according to HVAC professionals. This could increase its lifespan by 30-50%, adding an additional 5 years on average to its expected 15-year lifespan. 忽视维护可能会导致昂贵的维修或在第10年之前发生故障. 定期维护不仅可以延长使用寿命,还可以将效率提高25%. Consider cost-effective maintenance plans to keep your AC running smoothly!

2.     Change Your Filters

肮脏的过滤器会降低暖通电子游戏娱乐网站系统的效率, causing it to work harder and consume more energy. Dirty or clogged air filters can restrict the flow of air and put unnecessary strain on the system, 导致更高的能源账单和对机组的潜在损坏. 建议每三个月更换一次空气过滤器, or as recommended by the manufacturer, to ensure optimal performance. In some cases, filters may need to be changed more frequently, such as in homes with pets or high levels of indoor air pollution. Taking the time to regularly change your air filters can help prolong the life of your air conditioning system, improve air quality, and reduce energy consumption. 在电子游戏娱乐网站日常维护中,不要忽视这个简单而经济的步骤. As winter winds down, change your filters to ensure that your HVAC system is running at peak performance.

3.     Clean Your Ducts & Check for Leaks 

Over time, dust, dirt, and other particles can accumulate in your ductwork, reducing the efficiency of your HVAC system. As winter winds down, consider having your ducts cleaned to ensure that they are free of debris and your HVAC system is working at its best. 

Leaks in your ductwork can reduce efficiency and increase energy bills. Checking for and sealing any leaks in your ductwork can improve the performance of your AC unit. This includes checking for any holes, cracks, or seams in the ductwork, and sealing them with duct tape or mastic sealant. Properly sealed ductwork can ensure that your AC unit is running efficiently and providing maximum comfort.

4.     Clean The Outdoor Unit! 

电子游戏娱乐网站的室外机会积聚污垢, debris, and leaves, which affects its efficiency. Cleaning the unit and removing any obstructions can help improve its performance. 这包括从设备顶部移除任何东西, removing any sticks, 叶片或其他碎片已经成为卡在外部鳍沿单位的两侧. Additionally, you should clean the fins with your hose, 确保喷雾喷嘴设置在一个温和的设置. 


Regular cleaning of the outdoor unit can help ensure a smooth and efficient operation of your AC unit during summer. 如果您需要专业人员的帮助,请电子游戏娱乐网站电子游戏娱乐网页供暖公司的暖通电子游戏娱乐网站专家 & Cooling for your HVAC Spring Clean Up!

5.     Check Your Thermostat

As temperatures start to rise, make sure that your thermostat is set to the correct temperature and that it is functioning properly. 恒温器故障会导致能源效率下降和能源账单增加. 

You can also set your thermostat to optimize efficiency, if you will be away from your home for more than a couple of days. In warm weather months, before you leave, set your thermostat to a few degrees higher than you would normally keep it. This will help reduce the amount of energy needed to cool your home and keep it at a comfortable temperature. When you return home, you can lower it back to your normal temperature. Your air conditioner will not have to work quite as hard as normal, but won’t have to strain in order to cool your home to your normal comfort level. 在寒冷的月份,如果你计划外出几天或更长时间,那么就相反做. By lowering your thermostat a couple of degrees your heater will not be subject to unnecessary strain while you’re away and when you return. We recommend not adjusting your thermostat up and down on a frequent basis. Find your optimal cool and warm weather temperatures and try to keep your thermostats steady and consistent, to optimize your HVAC system’s efficiency. 

6.     Consider Upgrading Your HVAC System

If your HVAC system is over 10 years old, it may be time to consider upgrading to a newer and more energy-efficient model. An energy-efficient HVAC system can save you money on energy bills, reduce your carbon footprint, and provide you with better indoor air quality. If you suspect that you need a new AC unit check out this blog about how to tell  if you need a new air conditioner

As we head into springtime, take the time to ensure that your HVAC system is in good working order. By taking these simple steps, you can help extend the life of your HVAC system, save money on energy bills, 全年享受舒适的室内温度. Get ready for spring with Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling, serving the greater Kansas City metro area for over 20 years. We provide affordable and quality HVAC installations, service, 以及住宅和商业建筑的维护. Our experienced HVAC professionals can inspect and perform any necessary maintenance on your heating and cooling system to make sure it’s functioning safely and efficiently. Take advantage of our convenient and cost-effective maintenance programs that keep track of your heating and cooling maintenance visits. Call Lancaster Brothers Heating & Cooling at 913-851-3399 to schedule a maintenance visit or discuss your HVAC needs, or use our website contact form. 让我们帮助您全年在家中保持舒适!

April 11th, 2023

Posted In: Air Conditioning, Cooling, Maintenance

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Replacing your air conditioner can be a big investment, so it’s understandable that many homeowners take the decision serious. Every air conditioner reaches a point where a replacement makes more sense than continuing to pay for costly repairs, or continuing to put up with an average performance. We listed below the most Important Signs to look for when it comes time to replacing your AC!

1. Strange Noises

While some noises, like a pop or a whistle, can be common while your air conditioner turns on or off, other noises can be a sign of a serious problem with the system. If you hear any of the following noises while your air conditioner is running, call us immediately:

  • Squealing
  • Grinding
  • Scraping
  • Consistent loud pops or bangs

These noises can all indicate a problem with key components of your AC unit, including the compressor, condenser coil, or blower. 制冷剂含量低或机组内的碎片也会引起反复出现的巨大噪音.

2. High Energy Bills

Have your energy bill suddenly gone up? An aging air conditioner may be to blame. Older AC units have to work much harder to cool your home, leading to an increased use of energy that is reflected in a higher bill. Additionally, older air conditioners often have trouble cooling a home sufficiently. This can lead to you lowering the thermostat more often, and increasing your energy bills.

较新的电子游戏娱乐网站设备非常节能, 特别是那些季节性能源效率高的房屋. Many utility companies and government agencies offer tax credits and rebates that serve as incentives for homeowners to switch to more energy-efficient air conditioners. Replacing your old air conditioner with an energy-efficient one is a great way to save on your energy bills while also helping the environment.

3. Age

Even the best maintained air 电子游戏娱乐网站机组预计只能使用10-15年左右. If your unit is approaching this age, it’s time to start thinking about getting it replaced.

Newer air conditioning units are more energy-efficient and can solve many of the problems that have emerged due to the age of your unit. For example, an aging air conditioning unit can contribute to poor air quality in your home, as well as uneven cooling and frequent breakdowns.

4. Weak Air Flow

If your air conditioner takes forever to cool down your home, or never seems to do much of anything to keep the unrelenting summer temperatures away, it’s time for a replacement! If you stand by the vents in your home, you should feel a strong rush of air from your air conditioner. Weak airflow can be a sign that the compressor of your A/C unit is failing. However, it can also be a sign of a blockage or other issue in your air ducts. 最好请专业人士来评估一下这个问题 order to get an accurate diagnosis. If the problem is with your compressor, replacing the unit all together is more cost effective than simply replacing 压缩机,特别是如果机组已经使用了好几年.

What To Do Next?

如果你的电子游戏娱乐网站出现上述迹象之一, it’s time to call in the experts and have it replaced. Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling can take care of you and access any problem your unit is having! Give us a call or visit the contact page and message us through there. Stay Cool out there folks!

电子游戏娱乐网页,我们推荐伦诺克斯系统的质量和效率. We make taking care of your Air Conditioning needs as easy as possible. Schedule a replacement or service over the phone or by email for your convenience. 如果你想享受所有的好处,就成为俱乐部的一员吧! Request a Service online or call us today at (913) 648-9442!

May 6th, 2020

Posted In: Air Conditioning, Cooling, Replace AC Unit

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join our maintenance plan today我们的维修计划包括几个不同的好处,以节省您的时间和金钱. 当你加入我们的维修俱乐部时,我们把你得到的所有额外福利列了一张清单, check them out here:

Our Maintenance Club includes:

Two Tune-Ups a Year – Regularly scheduled tune-ups will increase the longevity of your system and help it continue to run efficiently. When your system is clicking on all cylinders and running efficiently, 它可以节省你的水电费,在极端温度下也更可靠. These two seasonal tune-ups will be scheduled and executed in advance of the season so your home will be ready for the changing temperatures. 

Ten Percent Discount on Repairs – If any problem is discovered during one of your two yearly tune-ups, this discount will help you save 10% off the total cost of the repair for all members of our maintenance club. This discount will apply throughout the entire year. It’s not a one-time use only deal.

No Overtime Charges – No matter the length of time our technicians are out on site fixing the problem, there will be no extra charge. They will continue to work until the problem is solved. Just like the rest of our customers, our Maintenance Club members will never experience a surprise on their bill because we offer upfront pricing on repairs.

Priority Service – Air conditioners and furnaces never break down at a convenient time. That is why we offer our maintenance club members priority service. They will receive priority over nonmembers and have their units up and running as quickly as possible.

Convenient Email Reminders and Scheduling – When you are in the maintenance club, 我们会给你发送提醒,当时间安排你的调整,所以你永远不会忘记. We even make it easy by letting you schedule your appointment through email!

Customer Testimonials

You’ll love our repair technicians, but don’t take our word for it, see what our customers have to say about them:

“Mario was out today for our annual maintenance and just wanted to let you know that he did a great job. He did a comprehensive check and explained everything to us in terms that were easy for us to understand.”

-J.G  Overland Park, KS

“Thank you for great service!  Eric arrived promptly at my home and had our problem diagnosed in no time at all.  Gave us an explanation of problem and repair.”

-M.W.  Springhill, KS

New Systems Need Maintenance Too

Maintenance plans are not only for older systems. They are also important when you install a new system. 如果给予适当的关注,即使是新系统也能有效地运行更长时间. Lancaster Brothers typically has rebates and special financing when installing a qualifying Lennox system. Contact us for more details. 

在电子游戏娱乐网页,我们推荐伦诺克斯系统的质量和效率. We like to make taking care of your furnace and AC as easy as possible. Schedule tune-ups or service over the phone or by email for your convenience. 如果你想享受所有的好处,就成为俱乐部的一员吧! Request a Service online or call us today at (913) 648-9442!

December 13th, 2019

Posted In: Cooling, Heating, Maintenance

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Saving energy with these tips

Staying on budget during the summer is not easy. Between all the fun activities for your kids, family vacations, wedding invitations, general expenses, and more, it’s very easy to overspend. The team at Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling understands. While we can’t help you save on summer festivities; we can help you save money on your electrical bill and keep your family comfortable. 

1. Don’t Turn Off Your Thermostat (Yes, Really!)

This might seem like a good idea when you are trying to save on costs, but while your air conditioner is off, it allows humidity to build up in your home. When you get back home, your system will have to work extra hard to get that humidity out of the air. If you turn off your thermostat, you’ll just feel uncomfortable and sticky. 在某些情况下,过度的湿度和热量会导致霉菌生长. 当你到家时,开着恒温器,选择一个凉爽、舒适的环境.

2. Do Set the Temperature Up a Few Degrees

Setting the temperature up a few degrees can help you air conditioner to work less, while still keeping your home relatively cool. The U.S. Department of Energy reports that you can save as much as 1% on your utility bills for every degree you bump the temperature up if the setback period is at least eight hours.

Not only will your system use less energy to stay at a higher temperature, 但它也会保持你家的湿度水平稳定. We recommend setting your thermostat up no more than five degrees.

3. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Everyone is a fan of easy. 你可以使用可编程恒温器轻松控制家里的温度. The best part? 你可以把它设定成你喜欢的任何温度,在你离开的时候保持在那里. An added advantage is that you can program it to lower the temperature a few hours before you return so you home is cool and comfy when you get back from your big break.

Bonus Tip: Be sure not to put lamps, TV sets, 或者其他在恒温器附近产生热量的电器.

4. Stop Heat-Producing Activities

不要做会产生大量热量的活动或使用物品. 比如长时间洗热水澡和开干衣机. Also, don’t use the oven. 你可以用微波炉或炉子做饭,在外面烧烤,或者吃一顿冷饭!

5. Use Your Ceiling Fan for Added Cooling

Use your ceiling fan to your advantage. It doesn’t require a lot of energy to operate, 但它确实可以帮助整个房间的冷空气循环. 

额外提示:不要在你离开的时候让粉丝开着, 只有当你在房间里的时候,风寒效应才会起作用. Also, be sure that it’s spinning counter clockwise.

6. Keep Your Blinds Shut During the Day

Don’t forget to close your blinds when you’re away to keep your home from accumulating heat from the sun (solar gain). 你不希望你的AC比它必须的工作更辛苦.

7. Open Windows During Cool Summer Nights

在湿度不太令人压抑的夜晚,空气已经相当凉爽, 打开一些窗户,让凉爽的新鲜空气在家里流通. Then make sure to close those windows as soon as you get up in the morning to “trap” last night’s cool air inside.

Bonus tip: Don’t open your windows during the day and let all that cool air your air conditioner has been working so hard to pump through your home out.

8. Plant Shade Trees Near Your Windows

通过植树来保护环境和恒温器. Planting shade trees is another way to keep sun rays from entering your home. We recommend planting shade trees that have mature branches with large leaves next to windows that take direct sunlight during the day. 这些树不仅可以为你的窗户遮阳, but they will also help absorb some of the heat. 你的电子游戏娱乐网站也可以从适当的遮阳中受益, but be sure to keep debris away from your unit.

9. Tune Up Your Air Conditioner

Lastly, always, ALWAYS, 确保在酷暑到来之前,你已经把电子游戏娱乐网站调好了. Maintenance is the key to keeping your air conditioner efficient, and preventing untimely breakdowns. 

Get Your Special Deal on Lennox Home Comfort Systems

如果你认为你现在的电子游戏娱乐网站是在它的最后一条腿, 我们推荐伦诺克斯家庭舒适系统,因为它的高质量和能源效率. Call us and 我们会告诉你伦诺克斯的大交易.

如果你对如何最好地为你的家降温有任何疑问, contact us online or call us at (913) 270-0698 to speak with qualified experts today!

August 5th, 2019

Posted In: Cooling

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The older your air conditioner gets, the more likely it is to break down. It’s just a fact of life. 所以,如果你一瘸一拐地跟着一台老电子游戏娱乐网站,希望它能再撑一个赛季, 电子游戏娱乐网页公司的团队为你收集了一些交流故障排除技巧.

AC Troubleshooting Tips


  1. It won’t turn on 
  2. It runs, but won’t cool

The following troubleshooting tips can help you beat the heat and get back to enjoying cool air in your home.

Your AC Won’t Turn On


Thermostat – check your thermostat to make sure that it isn’t set to the heat or off position. Also check to make sure that the batteries in your thermostat are not dead. (你会惊讶于我们接了多少服务电话,问题是这两件事之一.)

Tripped Breaker – check your electrical panel to make sure that the breaker connected to your AC hasn’t been tripped.

Power Switch – look to see if the power switch on the side of your furnace is turned on. (是的,在你的炉子旁边有一个电源开关.)

The AC Is On, but the Air Isn’t Cool

Dirty Air Filter – One of the biggest issues that will cause this problem is a dirty air filter. Check your filter to see how dirty it is and replace it if necessary. Remember, it is important to change your filter once a month to ensure proper airflow and cooling.

Ice Accumulation – 室外机中的冰也会导致电子游戏娱乐网站运行缓慢. 如果你看到冰,你应该关掉电子游戏娱乐网站,让它融化几个小时.

Clogged Condensate Drain – If you are still having trouble, consider cleaning out the condensate drain. Algae tends to build up in these pipes and will cause your AC to fail.

Check Your Condenser Unit Outside

别忘了你的电子游戏娱乐网站还有一个部件——外部. The condenser unit outside can sometimes be the problem. Look for these three problems:

A safety precaution first – The condenser is a 240-volt box and we don’t want anyone getting hurt, so turn off the power to it at the electrical panel before working on it. 同时关闭位于设备外部附近的断开盒. It will either be a lever, fuses, or a circuit breaker to shut off the condenser. Then, allow about 30 minutes for the electrical charge that’s stored in the condenser’s capacitor to dissipate. Okay, now it’s safe to check the unit. We recommend letting one of our qualified technicians look over these items. 

Clear Debris – Make sure the unit is clean and clear of debris. Clear away dirt, leaves, etc. 检查风扇,确保没有杂物.

Clogged Drain – Check the drain and make sure it is clear.

Broken Coolant Lines – Check the coolant lines (pipes that connect the condenser unit outside to the evaporator on the inside unit). They can get bumped around being outside.

Turn the unit back on. First, turn the thermostat in your home to OFF. Then turn on the power at both the disconnect box and at the main panel. Last, switch the thermostat to COOL. Give it some time and see if you feel cool air blowing from the ducts. You can also check your outdoor unit to see if the air blowing out the top is warmer than the surrounding air.

A Formula to Know How Many AC Repairs Are Too Many

So you know your AC is on its last leg, but how do you know when it makes the most sense to replace it instead of throwing good money after bad? First, look for these four warning signs:

  • Your unit is 10-12 years old
  • 在过去的两年里,你已经付了三次以上的修理费
  • Your energy bills seem excessive
  • You are experiencing uneven cooling or certain rooms feel uncomfortable

NOTE: Sometimes hot spots can be due to poor ductwork. We can inspect your ducts and make adjustments if that is the case.

These are all clues that it is getting close to the time to replace your unit. 幸运的是,有一个公式可以帮助你做出决定. We call it the $5,000 rule.

The $5,000 Rule

Multiply the age of your AC unit by the repair cost, and if that exceeds $5,000, then replace the unit. If it’s less, go ahead and repair it.

Here is an example, 如果你的机器已经用了10年了,修理费是350美元, multiply 10 x 350 to equal $3,500. 它还不到5000美元,所以可以把它修理一下.

Consider the Rising Cost of Freon

With the rising cost of Freon (coolant used in most older systems), if your repair involves adding Freon because of a leak, you have something else to consider. If you have a Freon leak, you will have to add more every year and the price of Freon is rising each year. The reason is because about 25 years ago, the EPA ordered the phasing out of Freon as part of an international treaty focused on protecting the ozone layer. Production ended in 2010 for new air conditioning units. Production has also been reduced in subsequent years. By 2020, production of Freon will end, so the price will only continue to rise.

Let Lancaster Help with Repairs or Replacement

If your AC has several of the symptoms we listed, we will be happy to take a look and either repair or replace the unit so you and your family stay cool and comfortable. 电子游戏娱乐网页公司以安装伦诺克斯电子游戏娱乐网站为荣, 所以,如果你的电子游戏娱乐网站是在它的最后一站,我们将很乐意提供一个免费的估计. There are also rebates and financing available for qualifying systems, 我们的舒适专家会告诉你所有的 available specials.

Call us today at (913) 851-3399 with any questions, repair or replacement needs, or just to get a free quote on a new Lennox system.

July 8th, 2019

Posted In: Cooling, Maintenance

你最不想看到的就是你的电子游戏娱乐网站在炎热的堪萨斯城坏了. Because we know a lot about air conditioners, the Lancaster team put together this list of things to check to give your AC the best chance of running smoothly without problems this summer. Follow these tips and hopefully, you won’t have to call us for repairs.

Replace Your Air Filters

Hopefully, you change your air filters on a regular basis (once every 3 months at the maximum, but once a month is even better),但如果你最近还没有改变,那么现在就要改变了. 从空气中提取的污垢和碎片最终会积聚并减少气流. 这意味着你的电子游戏娱乐网站必须更加努力地将空气通过系统, which means you will pay more in utility bills.

Clean Around the Outdoor Condenser Unit

All winter long, your condenser unit sits outside where it’s exposed to wind, water, dirt, and dust. All debris, like leaves and sticks, should be removed from around the unit. Be sure to keep an eye out for any animals like mice, snakes, or birds that may have made a nest in or around your HVAC condenser unit. Also, check for weeds and vines that could be growing too close to your unit. 你需要在它周围有两英尺的间隙,以确保它能获得足够的气流. While you can, clean around the outside of your unit by yourself, don’t open it up on your own to avoid any injuries. Any cleaning of the inside of your unit should only be performed by a professional.

Check Registers and Vents

Spring is a good time to clean the supply vents. 检查所有的寄存器是否打开,空气是否可以自由流通. Make sure that furniture, rugs, and curtains aren’t blocking the registers. If the registers look dirty, remove them from the vents and vacuum them to remove dust and pet hair that may have accumulated over the winter. You can wash them with warm water and mild soap as well.

Turn On the Air Conditioner

Once you’ve got everything cleaned and prepped, 打开电子游戏娱乐网站,确保空气从通风口流出,让你感觉空气是凉爽的. We recommend you do this early in the spring before it gets too hot and you discover there is a problem. If the air doesn’t feel cool after letting the system run for several hours, give us a call and we’ll come and take a look.

Switch to a Programmable Thermostat

如果你没有可编程恒温器,考虑升级. Programmable thermostats make it easy to use less energy by automatically raising and lowering the temperature in your home when you are asleep or away to save energy. By programming it according to the Department of Energy’s guidelines, you can save up to $200 a year on utility bills.

Schedule Your HVAC System Maintenance

No matter how old your system is, we recommend having a spring tune-up performed. One of our technicians will come to your home and check the refrigerant levels and electrical connections, adjust the tension on belts, replace any worn belts, tighten any loose parts, lubricate all moving parts, and make sure that your system is running efficiently.

Get a Quality Home Comfort System with Lennox

Lancaster Brothers is a Lennox approved company

Our focus on customer satisfaction is what has made us successful for the last 20 years and you can count on Lancaster Brothers to fix your furnace and air conditioner and keep you up to date on the latest advances in heating and cooling. If you need heating and cooling repair in Kansas City, give us a call and you’ll see what we mean. And if you need a new furnace, we will be happy to give you a free estimate on replacing your system with a quality Lennox system. 我们很自豪地安装伦诺克斯设备,有典型的 rebates and financing available. 我们的舒适专家会很乐意为您提供所有的选择.

If you need help with your furnace or air conditioner or want to learn more about geothermal heating, give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

May 15th, 2019

Posted In: Cooling

heating and cooling Lancaster brothers今天的加热和冷却设备比过去的系统要复杂得多.  Air conditioners and furnaces are continually being improved to meet efficiency and environmental/regulatory goals. As technology advances, so must our skills. That’s why the technicians at Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling are always learning about new advances in furnaces, air conditioners, thermostats, geothermal equipment and more.

Modern HVAC Equipment

We’ve seen quite a few improvements in heating and cooling equipment in the last couple of decades. Because most ACs and furnaces last 10-15 years, many of our customers are surprised to learn about all of the new features there are when it comes time to replace their old unit. Newer units are quieter and more energy efficient thanks to some of these changes. Here are just a few that may take you by surprise:

Dual Stage Air Conditioners

20 years ago, there was no such thing as dual stage air conditioners. Today, we have systems with two-stage cooling, which means it runs at a low level most of the time and kicks into high gear when temperatures soar. This saves both energy and money.

Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats are popular now too and Lennox offers a wide variety of smart thermostat options. Our technicians are familiar with all models so they are able to set them up and train our customers on how to use them to get the most comfort and savings possible. Smart technologies will continue to evolve and become integrated into our homes allowing us to control a home’s comfort levels from just about anywhere.

Our Technicians Receive Ongoing Training

伦诺克斯一直在设法改进他们的产品, so we attend trainings to keep us up to date on any changes in equipment installation and maintenance. During our slower service times, our technicians watch online training videos to stay abreast of all the changes. As a company, we’re required by Lennox to have 40 hours of training every year. Lennox also has in-store training that we attend. In fact, three of our techs will be attending a three-day WaterFurnace (our geothermal systems) training class this month (April).

Advanced Air Purification

Many air cleaning systems filter out particles. Some combat germs, and some fight odors, but only the Lennox PureAir™ Air Purification System addresses all three types of indoor air pollutants – airborne particles, germs and bacteria, and chemical odors and vapors. 这在英语中的意思是,PureAir™过滤掉99.9% of all particles like pollen, dust, and pet dander. 它可以去除95%以上的病毒,如耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌、流感和感冒. Plus it removes and destroys over 50% of household odors and chemical vapors. Plus, unlike m任何其他空气净化解决方案,PureAir™不产生任何臭氧(肺刺激物). 事实上,它的碳过滤实际上减少了家中其他来源产生的臭氧.

Get a Quality Home Comfort System with Lennox

Our focus on customer satisfaction is what has made us successful for the last 20 years and you can count on Lancaster Brothers to fix your furnace and air conditioner and keep you up to date on the latest advances in heating and cooling. If you need heating and cooling repair in Kansas City, give us a call and you’ll see what we mean. And if you need a new furnace, we will be happy to give you a free estimate on replacing your system with a quality Lennox system. We 自豪地安装伦诺克斯设备,有典型的 rebates and financing available. 我们的舒适专家会很乐意为您提供所有的选择.

No matter what new advances we see, the team at Lancaster Brothers will be able to diagnose it and fix it fast. If you need help with your furnace or air conditioner or want to learn more about geothermal heating, give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

April 3rd, 2019

Posted In: Cooling, Heating

Finding the right Lennox thermometer can save you money.At Lancaster Brothers Heating and Cooling, we’re proud to sell and install Lennox brand air conditioners and furnaces. Many of our customers who have purchased a Lennox system ask us which thermostat they should choose to complement their new equipment. The Lennox Comfortsense models are the most popular. 以下是Comfortsense系列中三种型号的细分. Hopefully, comparing the three will help you decide which one is right for you. 

We will go from least expensive to most expensive and explain all of the features that each one possesses. That way, you can decide which features are important to you and your family.

iComfort® M30 Thermostat

iComfort M30是一款简单时尚的智能恒温器. It is compatible with both Lennox non-iComfort equipment as well as other brands of furnaces and air conditioners. It is also Amazon Alexa compatible, 这样就可以很容易地使用语音命令来控制亚马逊Echo或亚马逊Dot设备. It also features a handy touchscreen which also allows you to use your voice to speak commands as well as a remote control function which lets you control it from anywhere with your smartphone.  


It takes comfort to a new level by working with your whole-house humidity control system to adjust the humidity level. 如果系统需要服务或维护,它甚至会提醒您. The “Smart Away” mode uses your location services on your phone to know when you come and go and adjusts the temperature to save energy and maximize your comfort. It even provides Performance Reports. It summarizes the performance of the system and sends monthly summary emails showing month-to-month heating and cooling usage comparison and active service alerts

iComfort E30 Thermostat

This smart thermostat is the most versatile thermostat for your comfort needs. It boasts all the features of the M30 model, but also adds a 7” color touchscreen weather screen saver that not only displays the outdoor temperature but graphics that tell you what the weather is like outside. Not only that, but with its Auto (Perfect Temp) feature, it automatically decides between heating and cooling, but requires just one setpoint. 


The weather-on-demand feature provides the current outdoor temperature as well as a 5 or 7-day forecast. Its Climate IQ technology monitors indoor and outdoor conditions then automatically uses  your AC or heat pump to remove excess humidity keeping your home comfortable year round. It even features an Allergen Defender. It monitors the air quality and pollen levels in your local ZIP code and automatically turns the fan on to clean the home’s air when outdoor levels are high.

iComfort S30 Thermostat

This ultra-smart thermostat is the ultimate controller for precise comfort. It provides all of the wonderful features of the E30 including touchscreen, weather screensavers, weather on demand, and remote control, 但它只与启用的Lennox iccomfort兼容, variable capacity equipment to offer the highest level of comfort and overall system performance. This also allows it to add advance alerts. Instead of just telling you when the system needs service or maintenance, it will monitor all of the system’s components and use advanced diagnostics to identify the issue.


The S30 model also features the PureAir S Purification System. Built-in sensors monitor the life of both the filter and the Purifier UVA light so you don’t have to. When it’s time to change either, the PureAir S lets you know through the thermostat.


We Trust the Lennox Brand

No matter which thermostat you choose, your Lennox equipment will keep you comfortable all year long. If you’re still not sure which thermostat is right for you, check out this
comparison infographic or ask us and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have. If your furnace or air conditioner is on its last leg, we can install a new, quality Lennox furnace or AC. Check out our specials page for current manufacturer offers and discounts.


If you’d like to learn more about Lennox digital thermostats, give us a call at (913) 851-3399 or contact us online.

March 26th, 2019

Posted In: Cooling, Heating

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